Visuell innvirkning på kulturminner og kulturmiljøer – En studie med utgangspunkt i vindparkutbygging på Lista, NIKU Rapport 30

Titel: Visuell innvirkning på kulturminner og kulturmiljøer – En studie med utgangspunkt i vindparkutbygging på Lista, NIKU Rapport 30
Författare/Authors: Kari Larsen & Gro Jerpåsen
Utgivare/Publisher: Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning, NIKU
Årtal/Year: 2009
Sökord: landskap, kulturmiljö, kulturminne, kulturarv, vindkraftspark, Norge, översiktsplanering, miljökonsekvensbeskrivning, visuell påverkan
Rapport via Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning, NIKU

Sammanfattning/Abstract: Larsen, Kari, Jerpåsen, Gro. 2009. Visual impact on cultural heritage. A case-study based on developing wind farms on the Lista peninsula, Norway. – NIKU Rapport 30. 29 pages. In Norwegian with English abstract.

In this report we present results from the study ”Visual impact on cultural heritage. A casestudy based on developing wind farms on the Lista peninsula, Norway.” The study is a part of the Strategic Institute Programme at NIKU called CONtiniuty and Change – cultural environments and sustainable landscape development (CONSENSUS). This programme
runs from 2006 till 2010.

The report deals with a study on the Lista peninsula in South-western Norway, where we
have looked into various parties’ perception of landscape and cultural heritage in relation to plans for development of wind farms and the environmental impacts of it. The main purpose NIKU Rapport 30 © Stiftelsen Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning, NIKU 4 Visuell innvirkning på kulturminner og kulturmiljøer of the study has been to obtain empirical knowledge on how various stakeholders and interest groups assess visual impact on cultural heritage. Which cultural environments and objects are important to them? How do they consider the impact of the planned wind farm on these cultural environments and objects? How are their opinions and values assessed in the process? Are there differing opinions, for instance between experts and non-experts, between local and regional/national authorities?

Our limited study of the wind farm development at Lista and the involved participants has delivered useful knowledge on how historic landscapes are valued locally. In the debate
related to the development of a wind farm there is a gap between what is emphasized and articulated as highly valuable by regional authorities and what is emphasized by the local community. Thus there is a great challenge for environmental government administration to intercept and handle local values and perceptions – as expressed in The European Landscape Convention. There are also important challenges in managing and valuating landscapes, and particularly historic landscapes. While the county authority in their statement mostly concentrated on the impact on hill fortresses within and in the vicinity of the wind farm area, these fortresses are only to a minor degree emphasized by local informants/inhabitants. The locals are more concerned about the wind farm being a threat to the historic landscape. The study shows that the issues at stake are broader and do not only concern questions on visual impact on cultural environments and objects. The study has also highlighted several important problems to be addressed concerning landscape, planning and environmental impact assessment.

Keywords: Cultural heritage – Landscape – Wind farm – Spatial planning – Visual impact – Environmental impact assessment – Lista