Dynamic wind turbine models in power system simulation tool DIgSILENT

Titel: Dynamic wind turbine models in power system simulation tool DIgSILENT
Anca D. Hansen, Clemens Jauch, Poul Soerensen, Florin Iov, Frede Blaabjerg
Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Danmark
Årtal: 2003
Infrastruktur, Elnät
Rapport via Risø National Laboratory

The present report describes the dynamic wind turbine models implemented in the power system simulation tool DIgSILENT (Version 12.0). The developed models are a part of the results of a national research project, whose overall objective is to create a model database in different simulation tools. This model database should be able to support the analysis of the interaction between the mechanical structure of the wind turbine and the electrical grid during different operational modes.

The report provides a description of the wind turbines modelling, both at a component level and at a system level. The report contains both the description of DIgSILENT built-in models for the electrical components of a grid connected wind turbine (e.g. induction generators, power converters, transformers) and the models developed by the user, in the dynamic simulation language DSL of DIgSILENT, for the non-electrical components of the wind turbine (wind model, aerodynamic model, mechanical model). The initialisation issues on the wind turbine models into the power system simulation are also presented. However, the main attention in this report is drawn to the modelling at the system level of two wind turbine concepts:

1. Active stall wind turbine with induction generator
2. Variable speed, variable pitch wind turbine with doubly-fed induction generator

These wind turbine concept models can be used and even extended for the study of different aspects, e.g. the assessment of power quality, control strategies, connection of the wind turbine at different types of grid and storage systems. For both these two concepts, control strategies are developed and implemented, their performance assessed and discussed by means of simulations.