Control of a Variable-Speed Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbine

Titel: Control of a Variable-Speed Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbine
Författare/Author: Torbjörn Thiringer & Andreas Petersson
Utgivare/Publisher: Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Vindforsk
Årtal/Year: 2005
Ämnesord/Subject: styrsystem
Sökord/Keywords: statistical data, time series, wind turbine
Rapport (Pdf)

In this report, the speed control of a modern pitch-regulated wind turbine is investigated. A controller structure is derived and the significance of various parameters in the controller structure is investigated.

In particular the influence of the speed control bandwidth on the speed variations, torque stresses and energy production is analyzed.

The control structure operates without any knowledge of the wind speed or shaft torque, instead these quantities are estimated from the rotor speed and electric power.

The results are compared with measurements made on two commercial turbines and the agreement between measurements and simulations is satisfactory.